

Thank you from the bottom of my heart that your help to Japan.
I hear help from a lot of countries by news every day.
I did not think that Japan was solitary.  I think that We should answer this help.


My works will publish on SPECTRUM18.
The mind of me who had sunk darkly cleared up a little.


Elemental Ponchi Card game illustration was complete!!

Zebu king illust was draw by acrylic gouache mainly.
next I drew it more details by PhotoshopCS5 after I scan this.



now 90%?  I will draw this continuation by photoshop after scanning...
He is Zebu king. (Tyrant)

And I renewaled my site. Please check it out ! http://toronn.daa.jp/



This is ataboh's card game "ELEPON" art. It is his original card game. The artist in a lot of Japan is participating.  Painting materials are acrylic gouaches etc....


Artists Help Japan – Earthquake & Tsunami 2011

I drew this for my friend's art book. (material is gouache)
I think that I can clarify details in the latter half of April.

Artists Help Japan – Earthquake & Tsunami 2011

The fund is founded by Dice Tsutsumi, an art director at Pixar Animation Studios.
I think that a lot of help is necessary at the same time though I believe that Japan becomes peaceful again.  When you read this, I am glad.



A huge earthquake occurred in the northern part of Japan yesterday.

I encountered the earthquake in Tokyo. It was a strong shake that was not able to stand.
It was a small shake first. It strengthened gradually, and the building became like the ship.

As for the train of Tokyo, everything stopped, and thousands of people gathered around the station. The hotel and government building accepted a lot of people.
People that it is not given up to return walked forming the line for five hours or more.
Everyone acts calmly.

Twitter and Skype are good condition.

Google Crisis Response

Japan earthquake info in English and other languages